Contact WLC | The Williams Law Corporation®
Contact us by email:
Sending Email Messages
WLC | The Williams Law Corporation® does not accept unsolicited email messages. Please be advised that even if you send us an email, WLC has not agreed to represent you. Your email is not protected by the attorney-client privilege. Please do not send confidential information via e-mail unless one of our lawyers authorizes you to do so. If you send confidential information and WLC represents a party adverse to you, then WLC must disclose that information to our client and we may use it against you.
Lawyers in our Firm are admitted to practice law only in the states of California, Massachusetts, Iowa and Washington. If you have a legal issue that relates to another state or country, then you should contact a local attorney licensed to practice in that jurisdiction.
If you send an email, WLC undertakes no obligation to express an opinion to you, review any factual circumstances relating to your matter or advise you regarding relevant legal doctrines. Moreover, you should not assume that our decision to accept or decline your case represents an expression regarding the merits of your case. WLC may not respond to an unsolicited email.
WLCÂ suggests that you consult with other counsel regarding your claim as soon as possible since we accept no responsibility to advise or represent you. You need to act quickly because there may be statutes of limitation that would bar any claim you may have. We express no opinion concerning when these statutes of limitation may expire.
Driving Directions
Driving Directions to our Irvine Office
click for map of our Irvine office
From South Orange County, traveling North on Interstate 405:
Exit at Jamboree Road. At the light at the end of the exit, turn right on Jamboree Road. Take the next immediate right turn before you reach Main Street into the office complex. Go three-quarters around the round-about and turn left at the stop sign. One Park Plaza is the building on the left, as well as the parking deck. Please park in that deck. Our office is on the Sixth Floor. If you require additional directions, you can reach Mr. Williams at (949) 422-7617.
From North Orange County or the Inland Empire, traveling South on Interstate 405:
Exit at Jamboree Road. At the light at the end of the exit, turn left on Jamboree Road and go over the freeway. Once you cross the freeway, take the next immediate right turn before you reach Main Street into the office complex. Go three-quarters around the round-about and turn left at the stop sign. One Park Plaza is the building on the left, as well as the parking deck. Please park in that deck. Our office is on the Sixth Floor. If you require additional directions, you can reach Mr. Williams at (949) 422-7617.
From Newport Beach:
Travel East on Jamboree Road. Once you cross the freeway, take the next immediate right turn before you reach Main Street into the office complex. Go three-quarters around the round-about and turn left at the stop sign. One Park Plaza is the building on the left, as well as the parking deck. Please park in that deck. Our office is on the Sixth Floor. If you require additional directions, you can reach Mr. Williams at (949) 422-7617.
From the North:
Travel South on the 405 freeway, and before you reach Interstate 10, exit Santa Monica Boulevard and turn left under the freeway. At Wilshire Boulevard, turn right. Our building is six blocks from Santa Monica Boulevard, on the left side at the intersection of three streets: where North Camden Drive and Dayton Way intersect Wilshire Boulevard. Stay in the left lane and turn left at Camden Drive. Underground parking is located behind our building, on the North Camden Road side. If you require additional directions, you can reach Mr. Williams at (949) 422-7617.
From the South:
Travel North on the 405 freeway (from Interstate 10), exit at Santa Monica Boulevard and turn right. At Wilshire Boulevard, turn right again. Our building is six blocks from Santa Monica Boulevard, on the left side at the intersection of three streets: where North Camden Drive and Dayton Way intersect Wilshire Boulevard. Stay in the left lane and turn left at Camden Drive. Underground parking is located behind our building, on the North Camden Road side. If you require additional directions, you can reach Mr. Williams at
(949) 422-7617.

Firm Billing
WLC | The Williams Law Corporation® provides a free initial consultation. If you choose to retain the Firm following our consultation, the time for the initial consultation will be billed.
The Firm's billing rates set forth in our retainer agreement range from $650 to $1,000 per hour for transactional or litigation work by associates or senior partners.
To pay your retainer or invoice by credit card, please click on this link: https://app.clio.com/link/9tzaMH9veDVx. If you would like to pay using your bank account, please contact us by email using the link below or send an email message directly to J. Craig Williams at [email protected].
We donate a portion of your hourly fee to support the Firm's charitable efforts, administered through the Wayfarer Foundation, an IRS section 501(c)(3) foundation established by the Firm to address four goals: sustaining the environment, encouraging education, promoting wellness and ensuring the equal application of justice. Through the Wayfarer Foundation and with your support, the Firm makes this investment for future generations.